

Modern in structure and content, Italian style, dynamic work, safe.

Sixtema coexist in the conceptual values of rationality and emotion in perfect integration.

Who chooses Sixtema want performance, style, safety, innovation and above all want the prestige that only Sixtema can give.

The Mission provides for the creation of innovative products that improve the conditions and quality of work, increasing efficiency and operational reliability..


When innovation is made in Italy

It could be the proximity to the river Po, with its water in constant motion, suggests the innate dynamism. To be sure, in our philosophy is the design and development of products that continue to trend and provide an important service to the professional, saving them time and resources. Over thirty years of experience in the entertainment world, have created products co-protagonists of many stories, which have solved many problems of professionals in show business.

Working with similar conditions is a pleasure. And if you set up a game, the fantasy may be the only limit.


The “Style”is characterized by a design with precise features and clean, linear shapes marked and make it absolutely essential that the original; primary value that distinguishes the company’s products, divided into 3 lines known as: Classic, Bravo e Arena.

The slogan “innovation in progress” flag is true, since we are always in search of innovation. A real mood, a challenge to be repeated.